Lease a Bike CSR

Team Lease a Bike

Taking responsibility

As a young company, it is important to us to take responsibility from the very beginning.

When Lease a Bike Austria entered the market in 2022, we focussed on the impact we have as a company right from the start. Our product is an alternative to transport with combustion engines. It has a positive influence on the choice of transport in Austria and should offer everyone a cost-effective and uncomplicated way to switch to cycling. 

In addition to our product, we are focussing on establishing a system for reporting our consumption that is as seamless as possible. We started collecting and collating our data in 2022. We took the first projects and measures and started to realise our CSR aspirations. 

In 2023, we will be able to take a more concrete approach to reporting and realise larger projects. We want to develop further, take responsibility and minimise our impact as much as possible.

Previous projects

Sos Kinderdorf Lab 1 testimonial green
In autumn 2023, together with our partners Mountainbiker and Cannondale, we donated 20 bicycles to the SOS Children's Villages. The donation campaign was organised to give children who previously had no access to bicycles the opportunity to start the new school year on a bike.
SOS Children's Villages
Adobestock 249467581min 1140x662 testimonial green
In 2023, we continued our efforts to protect the environment and planted a total of 100 trees as part of the ‘Rainforest of the Austrians’ project. These trees will make a sustainable contribution to the expansion of the rainforest through the La Gamba Biological Corridor (Costa Rica).
Regenwald der Österreicher
Photo 2022 12 19 17 25 31 testimonial green
Team Social Event in the Gruft Vienna: In winter 2022, we spent an evening together as a team in the Gruft and cooked a warm meal for people in need.
Team Social Event
Bildschirmfoto 2023 09 29 Um 0951 07 testimonial green
The 5 Sustainable Development Goals we are focussing on are: 3.Health and well-being, 5.Gender equality, 11.Sustainable cities and communities, 12.Sustainable consumption and production, 13.Climate action
Sustainable Development Goals

Mission & Vision

We want to inspire as many employees as possible to cycle. By offering or supporting sustainable cycling and health initiatives, we contribute to a greener future for society and our planet.

The green choice is the right choice, and in these endeavours the interests of the environment, society, companies and individuals come together very well. We are working today to shape the world of tomorrow, with inspired people and committed partners.

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Strong partnerships

Rwoe Logo Cmyk Kopie
Logo Soskd Sonnewend
Sustainable Development Goals Logosvg Kopie
Rwoe Logo Cmyk Kopie
Logo Soskd Sonnewend
Sustainable Development Goals Logosvg Kopie

Further information

CSR Report 2022
CSR Report 2023